Sunday, September 21, 2008


Here is a slideshow of the pictures I took snorkeling on my recent trip to Maui.

The beaches were incredible. The water was warm and you could swim literally just a few yards offshore and see these amazing tropical fish. Also, the water didn't get more than 20 feet deep for a good ways around the reef so it was easy to swim around. At some of the beaches we even saw turtles, who were completely unconcerned about us and so it was easy to take pictures of them. One of the most common fish we saw was the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, formerly the state fish of Hawaii. The reason I was able to take all these pictures is that on the first night we were there, my Uncle Shep and Aunt Al gave me their old camera (which isn't very old, actually), and with it they gave me a special waterproof case, which fits perfectly over the camera and has little buttons that push the real buttons, and so that's how I was able to take all of these pictures. Thank you Uncle Shep and Aunt Al !!

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