Friday, December 26, 2008


Yesterday was Christmas! Yay!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Even more snow!

There is now about 7 more inches of snow on top of the ice and snow from before. Here is a cool thing we saw outside. It's a pillar of ice, completely surrounding our downspout.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It has now freezing rained on top of all the snow we got yesterday! There is a half-inch-thick sheet of ice on top of the 8 1/2 inches of snow. Unfortunately, this much snow has it's downsides. The carport cover we use to keep our firewood dry (we heat our house almost entirely with wood) fell down last night. Here is a picture.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The sixth consecutive post with "snow" in the title!

It's really deep now. (By Portland standards, at least). My dad says that he hasn't seen this much snow here since the day I was born. It's 8 1/2 inches on the car!

The BIG snow.

MORE SNOW. It's supposed to snow a couple more inches and then freezing rain tomorrow! It's 25 degrees right now.

Friday, December 19, 2008


And it's snowing some more. Where do we live, Minnesota?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

MORE snow pics

Its snowing again!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The snow is still here! And it's supposed to snow again tonight and tomorrow and again on Sunday. So much for global warming! =D Here are some more pictures.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow! (and Competition)

Yesterday was my Lego robotics competition! We took third place overall and are going to the STATE COMPETITION! YAY! And, today it's SNOWING! YAY again!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving, Blazers, and the Civil War

Last week we went over to my Aunt and Uncles' house for thanksgiving. It was fun. We ate a lot of food. Turkey! The night before, me and my family went to the Blazers game. That was fun. The Blazers crushed the Heat by like 40 points, and they broke 100 so we got free chalupas!!!!! : ) Then, on Saturday, we went over to my grandmas house and watch the Civil War. Usually, I'm a Duck, but this year, I decided to root for the Beavers because, if they had won, they would have gone tot the Rose Bowl. But, as luck would have it, the year I decide to root for the Beavers, the Ducks win. Oh well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Our family recently got a new dog (we had to put our old dog, Keeper down at age 18 last year). He is a 10-month-old Australian Shepherd and really cute.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I have unleashed the force!!!!

I got the Force Unleashed for DS!!!!!!!! It's not quite as fun as it is for Wii, but it's still very fun. The controls (except for movement) are all on the touch screen, which makes for interesting gameplay. I have made it all the way to the 7th level, logging over 3 hours of gametime.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The force: Unleashed!

The other night I spent the night at Jevon's house. He just got the force unleashed for Wii and we spent most of the time playing it. : ) It's a great game, like 3d brawl with the Force. He beat me at least 20 consecutive times. But we still managed to play starfox and brawl and even get do all our work! (The main purpose of the sleepover was to write the script for our robotics presentation.) As you might guess we didn't get much sleep. : D

Monday, September 22, 2008


Here is a slideshow of pictures I took when we went up to watch the sunrise on Haleakala, the tallest mountain on Maui at 10,000 ft. tall.

Haleakala was amazing. We got up at 4 a.m. so that we could see the sun rise from the top. We did this on the second day we were in Maui, so that we could get up at 4 in the morning because we were still jet lagged. When we got up there we went on a short hike up to a better viewing location and waited for the sun to come up. I was one of the first to see the sun, but when I saw it I didn't even realize what it was! Here is what I said:
"What's that glowing thing on the horizon?"
In fairness, this is what I was looking at, and at the time I had been trying to see if I could see the Big Island from up there, but still, that was what we had gone up there for. After the sun had risen and wasn't as interesting anymore, we drove over to the actual summit (this is where I took the picture of the 10,000 ft. sign and the pictures of the entire rest of Maui). Later, we drove to some other viewpoints and got some more pictures. It was incredible.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Here is a slideshow of the pictures I took snorkeling on my recent trip to Maui.

The beaches were incredible. The water was warm and you could swim literally just a few yards offshore and see these amazing tropical fish. Also, the water didn't get more than 20 feet deep for a good ways around the reef so it was easy to swim around. At some of the beaches we even saw turtles, who were completely unconcerned about us and so it was easy to take pictures of them. One of the most common fish we saw was the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, formerly the state fish of Hawaii. The reason I was able to take all these pictures is that on the first night we were there, my Uncle Shep and Aunt Al gave me their old camera (which isn't very old, actually), and with it they gave me a special waterproof case, which fits perfectly over the camera and has little buttons that push the real buttons, and so that's how I was able to take all of these pictures. Thank you Uncle Shep and Aunt Al !!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So that's how you post a picture. : )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've got a blog!

I have started a blog.