Monday, April 20, 2009

Here are a bunch of pictures from Atlanta.

I'm back!

I just got back from World Fest! It was really great! I'll post about it later.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

(almost) sunken ship

My family went down to OMSI to see my my little brother's friend's Da Vinci Challenge team's bridge model (long story). Anyway, we had to park quite a ways away from OMSI. On the walk back to the car, we saw a sailboat that had somehow gotten stuck beneath the Hawthorne bridge. it was all tilted over, and it had its mast stuck under the bridge. A couple of fireboats and a sheriff's boat had to be brought out to remove it. We were watching really close by, on an overlook by the fire station on the east end of the Hawthorne bridge.